How I Became a Software Engineer

How I Became a Software Engineer


2 min read

Hi Guys,

I am Thisura Thenuka. I'm a 23-year-old from Sri Lanka and I work as a Full Stack Engineer in a Software Company. I've been working in the industry for almost 3 years now.

I'm going to share with you today how I came to be a software engineer and what inspired me to do it.

School Life

I started learning Information Technology as a subject in school when I was 11. At the time, I was learning about flow charts, logic gates, networks and so on. The first programming language I learned was Visual Basic.


During a tuition lesson I took to study IT, programming became my absolute obsession. I found the process of attempting to solve challenging programming problems to be quite fascinating. I think a big part of how I became a software engineer was due to the young geeky man inside of me.

Uni Life

After 14 years of education, I learned about a scholarship program that enables me to get a degree in software engineering while working full-time for a tech company. After an exam and an interview, I got selected for the scholarship program.

I'm in my third year of university right now. I was fortunate to have a group of friends who were really encouraging. We enjoyed working on new projects while attending events, parties, and hackathons.

Work Life

I had the honour of working with great developers and it was quite inspiring to see how they went about doing their things. I didn't really understand how to function in a professional setting when I first joined. My senior colleagues were incredibly helpful and considerate, teaching me a lot about managing daily interactions, documentation, coding standards, bug fixes, effort estimations, and many more.

Even though most of them are working in different companies now, I'm really grateful for the things they thought me.



I still have two years to go in both my internship and my degree program. I intend to fully develop my portfolio over this time and network with new professionals in the field. Not many of my projects have been finished to the point of public display. I plan to concentrate more on creating projects and contributing to open-source projects.

Thank you for reading my article. This article was written as the Week 1 article in 4 Articles in 4 Weeks - Hashnode Writeathon. If you have any suggestions for me to try out in order to build a great portfolio, please make sure to drop a comment ๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿ‘‹
